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21.07.2016 | Original Paper

Returns to scale, operating leverage, and expected stock returns

verfasst von: Roi D. Taussig, Sagi Akron

Erschienen in: Eurasian Business Review | Ausgabe 1/2017


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The asset pricing literature demonstrates a positive association between operating leverage and expected stock returns. We uniquely examine the predictive power of operating leverage on expected stock returns, in light of the industry returns to scale. Our inspection starts with a theoretical illustration of this facet, demonstrating higher sensitivity of operating profits to production inputs along higher level of production returns to scale. We then empirically examine 83,415 firm-year observations in the US manufacturing industry between 1963 and 2011. We find that the positive and significant relation between operating leverage and the cross-section expected stock returns appears only when the production returns to scale are high. Low returns to scale, however, alleviates both the economic and statistical significance positive effect.

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Later on, we apply the theoretical illustration to the case of decreasing returns to scale.
Note that even under perfect competition, where we assume decreasing returns to scale in which output elasticity is smaller than one, the higher is output elasticity we would expect a relatively higher variability of revenues than that of costs.
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Returns to scale, operating leverage, and expected stock returns
verfasst von
Roi D. Taussig
Sagi Akron
Springer International Publishing
Erschienen in
Eurasian Business Review / Ausgabe 1/2017
Print ISSN: 1309-4297
Elektronische ISSN: 2147-4281

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