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Annals of Telecommunications

Ausgabe 1-2/2008

Health protection and RF exposure assessment: engineering aspects

Inhalt (15 Artikel)

Original Paper

Development of a numerical model connecting electromagnetism, thermal and hydrodynamics to analyse in vitro exposure system

Marylène Cueille, Alice Collin, Claudine Pivain, Philippe Leveque

Original Paper

Analysis of the numerical One-Step method for the study applied on bio electromagnetics

Jessica Silly-Carette, David Lautru, Man-Faï Wong, Joe Wiart, Victor Fouad Hanna

Original Paper

Specific absorption rate assessment near a base-station antenna (2,140 MHz): some key points

Fabrice Lacroux, Emmanuelle Conil, Albert Cortel Carrasco, Azeddine Gati, Man-Fai Wong, Joe Wiart

Original Paper

SAR characterization inside intracranial tumors for case–control epidemiological studies on cellular phones and RF exposure

Nadège Varsier, Kanako Wake, Masao Taki, Soichi Watanabe, Toru Takebayashi, Naohito Yamaguchi, Yuriko Kikuchi

Original Paper

Evaluation of the SAR induced in a multilayer biological structure and comparison with SAR in homogeneous tissues

Aline Pradier, Abdelhamid Hadjem, David Lautru, Azeddine Gati, Man-Faï Wong, Victor Fouad Hanna, Joe Wiart

Original Paper

Personal RF exposimetry in urban area

György Thuróczy, Ferenc Molnár, Gábor Jánossy, Noémi Nagy, Györgyi Kubinyi, József Bakos, Judit Szabó †

Original Paper

The Italian national electromagnetic field monitoring network

Francesco Troisi, Marina Boumis, Paolo Grazioso

Original Paper

Non-ionizing electromagnetic radiation monitoring in Greece

Antonis Gotsis, Nikolaos Papanikolaou, Dimitris Komnakos, Agamemnon Yalofas, Philip Constantinou

Original Paper

Occupational exposure to RF fields from base station antennas on rooftops

Tommi Alanko, Maila Hietanen, Patrick von Nandelstadh

Acknowledgement to Referees

2007 reviewers list

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