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2023 | OriginalPaper | Buchkapitel

Deep Reinforcement Learning for Robust Goal-Based Wealth Management

verfasst von : Tessa Bauman, Bruno Gašperov, Stjepan Begušić, Zvonko Kostanjčar

Erschienen in: Artificial Intelligence Applications and Innovations

Verlag: Springer Nature Switzerland

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Goal-based investing is an approach to wealth management that prioritizes achieving specific financial goals. It is naturally formulated as a sequential decision-making problem as it requires choosing the appropriate investment until a goal is achieved. Consequently, reinforcement learning, a machine learning technique appropriate for sequential decision-making, offers a promising path for optimizing these investment strategies. In this paper, a novel approach for robust goal-based wealth management based on deep reinforcement learning is proposed. The experimental results indicate its superiority over several goal-based wealth management benchmarks on both simulated and historical market data.

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Unlike in GBWM, in market making, increasing levels of risk are typically incurred as the terminal time is approached [8], resulting in weaker inventory penalization.


An example is given by the asset allocation of Fidelity Freedom Funds (https://​www.​fidelity.​com/​mutual-funds/​fidelity-fund-portfolios/​freedom-funds).


The CRRA utility \(\mathcal {U}\) is given by: \( \mathcal {U}(x) = {x^{\gamma }}/{\gamma },\text { }\gamma < 1, \) where \(1-\gamma \) is the coefficient of relative risk aversion.


Since the original policy found by PPO is stochastic, its determinism is enforced by returning the mode of the distribution over the action space instead of sampling from it.

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Deep Reinforcement Learning for Robust Goal-Based Wealth Management
verfasst von
Tessa Bauman
Bruno Gašperov
Stjepan Begušić
Zvonko Kostanjčar