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Interceram - International Ceramic Review

2014 - 2022
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Ausgabe 4/2022
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Über diese Zeitschrift

The English-Language Interceram - International Ceramic Review is a comprehensive source on science and technology in the areas of the ceramics and related technologies, covering fine ceramics, heavy clay & advanced ceramics, composites, carbon & graphite, tiles & bricks, stoneware pipes, refractories, glass & glass ceramics, coatings, powder metallurgy, raw materials, and all kindes of industrial production & application.

Refractories Manual – published annually – is the special edition of INTERCERAM for the entire field of refractories. Amongst other subjects, it reports on meetings of experts in the sector and on special refractories and their application. It examines the current status of the refractories industry in selected countries.

Interceram - International Ceramic Review
Jahrgang 63/2014 - Jahrgang 71/2022
Elektronische ISSN
Print ISSN


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