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Capacity Analysis of Urban Arterial Midblock Sections Under Mixed Traffic Conditions

verfasst von: Ashish Dhamaniya, Chintaman Santosh Bari, Manish Patkar

Erschienen in: International Journal of Intelligent Transportation Systems Research | Ausgabe 2/2022


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The main aim of the study is to model speed and to determine the capacity of six-lane divided urban arterials by developing speed models. The various midblock sections are selected such that there is no influence of side frictions like pedestrian, on-street parking, etc. Speed-flow data was gathered at six midblock sections of urban arterial roads and extracted for every 5-min interval. The speed–flow relationship as observed from field data replicates the parabolic relationship between two parameters, and hence it may be hypothesized that the speed–density data would follow a linear relationship. Traffic density has been measured by using the basic relationships among speed, flow, and density. This linear speed-density relationship for heterogeneous traffic situations has been used, and efforts are put on to develop simultaneous speed equations for various vehicle categories. These equations are solved by developing a MATLAB software program, and variation in speed with traffic composition and traffic volume on the road has been explained. Simultaneous equations are used to develop the speed-flow plot and capacity of the midblock sections as 5892 PCU/hr for one direction of flow. The study outcomes are useful to estimate the capacity of midblock sections using volume as input data. Once the speed is dropped to a congestion level, the section reaches a congested state, and traffic operations become chaotic. The congestion mitigation measures may be employed by rerouting existing traffic to reduce the congestion on the urban roadway network.

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Capacity Analysis of Urban Arterial Midblock Sections Under Mixed Traffic Conditions
verfasst von
Ashish Dhamaniya
Chintaman Santosh Bari
Manish Patkar
Springer US
Erschienen in
International Journal of Intelligent Transportation Systems Research / Ausgabe 2/2022
Print ISSN: 1348-8503
Elektronische ISSN: 1868-8659


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