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DB-Corouting: Density Based Coordinated Vehicle Rerouting in Smart Environment

verfasst von: Pratik Dutta, Sunirmal Khatua, Sankhayan Choudhury

Erschienen in: International Journal of Intelligent Transportation Systems Research | Ausgabe 3/2021


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Congestion control is a widely accepted domain in Intelligent Transportation System. Two approaches are commonly used to address the issue: either by controlling the traffic signals or by re-routing the vehicles in a congested state. However, the objective is to minimize the average travel time of the vehicles in a given road scenario. Choosing shortest path could be a solution. But the vehicles, following the shortest path, may face congestion if the decision is done in an un-coordinated manner. This could be due to non-inclusion of crucial decision parameter(s) and lack of cooperative decision on the decisive parameters of the concerned traffic scenario. There are efforts to include the density of the road segments within decision variables. The novelty of the proposed solution is to address the adaptive nature of the density parameter and considers effectively in the solution proposal. The solution considers the effect of density in a nearby road segment is more than the rare one. The introduction of the adaptive nature of this decision variable models the real road network more accurately and subsequent solution is more effective. Exhaustive experimentation has been done, considering various use cases. The proposed Density Based Coordinated Vehicle Rerouting, coined as “DB-Corouting” algorithm is simulated through “SUMO” and “Open Street Map” and the necessary finding ensures the effectiveness of the proposed solution in terms of selected metrics such as average traveling time, average waiting time, Traffic satisfaction Index etc.. The proposed solution outperforms the comparable solutions in terms of the selected metrics and always offers an efficient solution irrespective of traffic distribution.

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DB-Corouting: Density Based Coordinated Vehicle Rerouting in Smart Environment
verfasst von
Pratik Dutta
Sunirmal Khatua
Sankhayan Choudhury
Springer US
Erschienen in
International Journal of Intelligent Transportation Systems Research / Ausgabe 3/2021
Print ISSN: 1348-8503
Elektronische ISSN: 1868-8659


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