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Exploring the Performance of Streaming-Data-Driven Traffic State Estimation Method Using Complete Trajectory Data

verfasst von: Garima Dahiya, Yasuo Asakura

Erschienen in: International Journal of Intelligent Transportation Systems Research | Ausgabe 3/2021


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This study aims to evaluate the performance of an extended floating car data (xFCD)-based traffic state estimation method proposed by Seo et al. (2015), which does not rely on any strong assumptions such as Fundamental Diagram, using high-resolution complete trajectory data, viz. Zen Traffic Data (ZTD). Traffic state estimated by this method, considering randomly sampled trajectories of ZTD as those of probe vehicles with known penetration rates, are compared with ones obtained by complete ZTD by applying Edie’s generalized definitions. The variation in estimation errors and covering percentages are analyzed for varying settings: spatiotemporal resolution and probe penetration rates.

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Exploring the Performance of Streaming-Data-Driven Traffic State Estimation Method Using Complete Trajectory Data
verfasst von
Garima Dahiya
Yasuo Asakura
Springer US
Erschienen in
International Journal of Intelligent Transportation Systems Research / Ausgabe 3/2021
Print ISSN: 1348-8503
Elektronische ISSN: 1868-8659


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